Light Can Help Us #10: Feel Better Part 2

“Using CCT as a proxy for the biological potency of light cannot be justified.” ­-Esposito, T., Houser, K. Click HERE for full article. A few weeks ago I revisited the promise that light can help us feel better and drew parallels between taste and sight. Food, when prepared creatively, can deliver momentary pleasure on our tastebuds but it takes […]

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Don’t/Do This: Primary Bedrooms (Modern)

This post is a continuation of my Don’t/Do This: Primary Bedroom exploration. My Don’t/Do This series are a lot of fun to sketch and imagine. Too much fun, perhaps, as the post on primary bedrooms has now ballooned into three. Without much forethought, I find myself creating an increasingly comprehensive series aimed at comparing and contrasting what to do […]

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Light Can Help You