
Light in the Stone/Digital Age

So much of our modern lives is digital that we scarcely stumble across the archaic digital versus analog debate. No one uses an abacus in high school math class. Finding a land line to make a phone call is increasingly difficult. Clacking typewriters have given way to silent computers. Some of us wear watches that […]

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I went lightseeing

I enjoy sightseeing. My family and I have been privileged to see many wonderful natural and cultural sights in the United States from New York City’s Grand Central Station to Yosemite’s Half Dome. Today I am by myself on a rare international business trip to Spain, and the miracle of modern air travel granted me […]

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The Politics of Light 2

Ex-president Trump speaking into a microphone in front of a backdrop that says "congressional institute" with the C-Span logo in the lower right

I [dis]agree with President Trump. This is a lighting blog, not a political blog, correct?  Yes.  Unfortunately, light- like so many aspects of our lives- is being politicized for electoral advantage. Recently President Trump’s administration repealed rules that would continue to require energy-efficient replacements for yesterday’s incandescent lamps.  In live speeches, Trump spoke strongly against […]

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The Kitchen of the Future

Check out this short video of our two-day process to re-light a fifteen-year old project with updated technology and science. What has changed in the last fifteen years?  Everything. Just remember, I’m a lighting designer, not a movie star (this will be obvious). […]

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LIGHT from the Beginning

Photo of a flat, green space with a sunset glow on the horizon casting everything in silhouette. To the right is a big tree. A smaller tree is in the center.

I think light is pretty important, but it seems I don’t know the half of it. I am currently reading LIGHT: A Radiant History from Creation to the Quantum Age by Bruce Watson.  The book is of the micro-history genre, an in-depth look at an intensely focused topic.  This time, the topic happens to illuminate […]

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Another Houzz Listicle

A screenshot of a webpage from Houzz featuring the articles "Your Guide to a Modern-Style Kitchen" and "5 Common Lighting Mistakes and How to Avoid Them."

24 months ago I did not know the meaning of “listicle,” but now I write them.  A list + article becomes a listicle, or short story with distinct bullet points.  I added the requisite beautiful photos and reshaped my lighting larceny post to become the latest Houzz story.  Enjoy! 5 Common Lighting Mistakes and How to Avoid Them […]

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Oops, I did it again.

A photograph of a kitchen with white cabinets, walls, and countertops, and nice hardwood floor. There is lighting underneath the cabinets, circle lights in the ceiling, and everything is very well lit.

Fifteen years ago I did a budget-friendly lighting design for my mother’s total kitchen remodel as shown in the photograph above.  I delivered 50 foot-candles to the horizontal task plane, as I’d been taught to do.  I had multiple downlights over the sink and placed the downlights directly over the counter.  I didn’t like the […]

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Lighting Lies

A photograph of a modern-looking wall sconce attached to a mirror to reflect light out into the room it's in.

I was thumbing through the latest issue of This Old House last night and stopped cold at a beautiful advertisement for a lighting company.  “Good Lighting is Everything,” it said.  That may be a stretch, but I’ll take it.  And then I got just a bit angry (with apologies to my wife for the outburst) […]

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Plumbers Doing Lighting

Photograph of a bathroom with white and lavender walls, a white sink and white door. Two sconces rest on either side of the mirror, both turned on.

You’ve got the wrong professional. A long time ago I spent several years as a full-time construction supervisor responsible for training volunteer crews and building new homes from the ground up with Habitat for Humanity in Mississippi.  I learned how to pour slab foundations, rough in plumbing, wire a breaker panel, install cabinets, put on […]

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Light Can Help You