
Light Can Help Us #15: All Together Now

I do not like messy things. You might not believe me based on the usual state of my desktop, but disorganization and messes slowly sap my strength. A freshly organized and cleaned desk invigorates. My team never sees my desk, as we are a distributed workforce (also known as work-from-home or remote workers), but they […]

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The Language of Light

The top of a white mantle with a small cut crystal lamp and dark vase on top of it

Professional lighting designers have a secret language.  We use our coded language to streamline our conversations with other insiders, and like a secret handshake that lets us identify other members of our inner circle. Outside of that circle, the language is utter nonsense. “I would love to find an LED with a 3000K-1600K variable CCT […]

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Light Can Help You