
We All Need Control

It is time to retire your light switches and dimmers…if you want to get the full benefits of good light back into your life. Get them back? Yes, you and I lost out on natural light’s benefits when our ancestors decided houses were better than tents and offices were better than fields. They moved indoors, […]

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EXPOSURE: Fine Homebuilding

This blog is dedicated to changing the way I think and talk about light, perhaps helping a few others along the way. In the February/March 2024 issue of Fine Homebuilding, just released as I write this post, I was given the chance to push my language of light one step further. I have spent much […]

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On a recent Sunday evening I checked my email to discover a number of inquiries from prospective clients. It is not unusual for me to see those inquiries come in, but the quantity was far higher than usual. I chalked it up to a fluke. The fluke continued the next day and I asked my […]

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It’s been a solid six weeks or so since my last traditional post, an unusually long stretch that may continue for a bit longer as I struggle to complete a few more projects and clear space for more creative writing. My proverbial pen has not been entirely neglected, however, and I will post articles I […]

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DON’T/DO THIS: Outdoor Living

For many years, nicer homes would have had a patio or deck behind the house to enjoy during the “season,” which might be summer in Wisconsin or winter in Florida. The patio or deck usually contained some outdoor furniture in wood or painted steel to resist the elements, and perhaps a table with an umbrella […]

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EXPOSURE: Designing Lighting

Writing a new series for Designing Lighting magazine is giving me a chance to revisit some of the material posted here earlier this year, repurpose for a professional audience, and refine my thinking. The creation of a new approach to lighting is never done…and I am grateful for the opportunity to keep working! Click HERE to read […]

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Light Can Help You